Recently, I was talking to a twenty-something friend about the state of the world: climate change… stuff like that. I could see that, like many of her generation, it made her sad to contemplate it all. On a sudden inspiration, I showed her the title of a book: The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible, by Charles Eisenstein. As she read those words, a big smile came over her face. We connected on that idea.
Eisenstein says: “… at the bottom of our Story of the World is the Story of Self, with its delusions of separation from other people, from nature, from Gaia, from anything we might call God.” This same conditioning sets us up to want to change others who don’t see things the same way–to criticize and judge others. Yet we know intuitively, or from bitter experience, that that won’t work. So what do we do? Eisenstein suggests that we begin to re-imagine life based on a new story–one of interbeing.
I need to remind myself about this–quite frequently it seems…